Puppy Program

About the Social Puppy Program

After completion of this program puppies will be ready to take a basic obedience course with their owner. They will have a thorough understanding of the concept of training and working for a reward, making training with the owner easier, faster, and more effective.

Puppies will also be ready to participate in regular DayCamp and advance their skills in Training Games, begin Sports Games, and advance their Leash Training with Enrichment Walks during DayCamp.

Program Benefits

  • Daily Playgroup Socialization
  • Daily Mental Enrichment
  • Daily Physical Enrichment
  • Weekly Bath and Nail Trim (intro to brush/blow-dry too)
  • Daily Training Games, Including:
    • Leash Work
    • Luring & Shaping
    • Clicker Training
    • Kennel Training
    • Potty Training
    • Food & Toy Sharing
    • Recall & Name Recognition
    • Starter Cues (yes, no, release)
    • Drive Games
    • Focus Work

Puppies Daily Schedule Sample

  • 9:30am: arrival, potty training, kennel training
  • 10am: group play (plus work on recall, name recognition, and leash work)
  • Kennel Training, then potty training
  • 11am: Training games (will vary throughout program)
  • Kennel Training, then potty training
  • 12pm: Nap time & Treat Toy/Lunch (mental enrichment)
  • Leash Training & potty training
  • 1pm: Training games (will vary throughout program)
  • Kennel Training, then potty training
  • 2pm: group play (with recall and name recognition)
  • Kennel Training, then potty training
  • 3pm: Physical enrichment, drive games, focus work (or weekly bath)
  • Kennel Training
  • 4pm: pick-ups begin, those staying later will receive more games)

Dog Requirements:

  • For dogs 9 months and under
  • Dogs must have at least 3 sets of Distemper/Parvo vaccine and 2 sets of Bordetella vaccine (or titer test equivalent)
  • Dogs over 6 months must have a Rabies vaccine (or titer test equivalent)
  • All vaccines must be up to date for the entirety of the Program

Program Cost and Schedule Requirements:

  • DayCamp on Monday & Thursday for 4 consecutive weeks
  • Minimum hours each day is 9:30am-4pm. Maximum hours from 8am-6pm.
  • Total cost for 4-week program is $795

Program Goals:

  • Puppies will be more easily able to adapt to new situations, new places, new people, and different schedules (leading to a more confident and happier adult dog)
  • Puppies understand the concept of pottying outside
  • Puppies feel their kennel is a safe space to take a nap and relax for short periods
  • Puppies understand basic training concepts, working for a reward, and have problem-solving skills
  • Puppies will be comfortable with short term separation while in a confined space (attempt to prevent separation anxiety issues)
  • Puppies will accept food/toy removal by a human (attempt to prevent resource guarding issues)
  • Puppies will have good social skill with other dogs, understanding basic dog language and appropriate play styles
  • Puppies will be excited to engage with their humans, having been show that training and working is fun and rewarding (more fun than digging, chewing, or running away)
  • Puppies will be able to recall from up to 40 ft away, and know that hearing their name means positive interaction